
The Power of Storytelling

Dear Friends

I’ve just finished watching the Fun ‘n’ Friends pageant video composed of images, music and a narrative telling the story of the birth of Christ Jesus our Lord. A wonderful telling of the Christmas story we celebrate every year. Thank you, Fun ‘n’ Friends, great job!

This week is Pageant Sunday, when as part of our worship service, our own Sunday School Cast and Crew, will be staging our annual Christmas pageant “The Christmas Story” written by Argaille Di Matteo.

Apart from the fun of dressing up in costume to retell the story, and seeing our children looking cute or the hilarious mistakes they make, the pageant is important for learning and re-enforcing the message and story of Christmas for young and old alike.

Teachers will often tell us this famous quote,

“We retain 10 percent of what we see, 30-40 percent of what we see and hear, and 90 percent of what we see, hear and do.”

This reminds why we do pageants or nativity plays and also, why  dramatized readings from other scripture passages are a valuable teaching tool for worship. So, all you budding actors could be pressed into service again. You have been warned!

Thank you to all who will be performing and telling the story of Christmas this week and to the crew who help to make it all happen.

We are blessed to have so many talented and willing helpers and volunteers. Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy the show and learn something new!

Pastor Cliff
