
Be Prepared!

Dear Friends

The motto of the Scout movement when I was a boy was “Be Prepared”.


No doubt Baden-Powell had learned the importance of preparedness in the army. The modern soldiers are taught “Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.” And that is probably how it came into scouting.


John the Baptist was Jesus’ cousin. His, was a special ministry to prepare the way for the Lord. His focus was so intense that like many prophets, he lived in the wilderness. John’s survival skills would be the envy of any outdoor specialist today. He discarded a conventional lifestyle to avoid distractions so that he could hear the voice of God. He wore a rough tunic made from camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey. His appearance must have seemed wild but that was the life of a prophet.


“Prepare the way of the Lord, make a straight path for Him.” (Mark 1:3)


Do you ever wonder how you are meant to prepare the way for Jesus?


The people of Bethlehem were not ready.


Would you have room for Him in your life? Could your offer Him a spare room and some food. If He came as an infant, you’d need diapers, and formula or soft foods for weaning.


Many families will set an extra place at the table. For some, it is for the unexpected visitor. Others know that the unexpected guest could be Jesus Himself. As we heard last week “No One knows the day or the time.” (Mark 13:32). And as the Disciples on the Road to Emmaus learned, Jesus can turn up in the most unexpected places as they walk along the road to become the surprise guest at our table. (Luke 24:13-31).


Prepare your heart first and your mind will follow along in every area of your life.


“Prepare the way of the Lord, make a straight path for Him.” (Mark 1:3)

Pastor Cliff
