
Adventures in Faith

Dear Friends,


Bashed, bruised, broken but unbowed, the Youth Group and their brave leaders endured the experience, which some call ice skating. The best skaters go on to play ice hockey, do speed skating or dance. And then there are the rest of us who range from very good to struggling to stay upright. But in spite of the challenges, going ice skating is a teenage rite of passage for many.


The Youth Group team and I have to say, the experience left lasting impressions on many of us. And some of us including myself, probably left one or two imprints on the ice where we fell, slithered, and slid. One adult bruised a knee, another broke a wrist and one escaped only with a sore derriere. But despite our injuries, aches and pains we had great fun, each in our own way as well as a group.


Most of us will never be ice hockey players or figure skaters but it was a new experience for some, a familiar one for others and a trip down memory lane for me. Despite our differences of performance, success or otherwise, we forged that essential esprit de corps you find in a shared struggle of mind over matter, attempting to master or rediscover one of the most unnatural skills known to humanity.


We might not repeat this experience soon, but we come away having learned and grown because we were outside our comfort zone. We went to a place which enabled us to explore new surroundings, new skills and a new or forgotten store of resilience. For a while, we explored another world of possibility.


As Jesus walked with His disciples, they must have felt at times like fish out of water. They were on an adventure of discovery learning and becoming new versions of themselves with Jesus to guide, lead and teach them not only about a new relationship with God but lessons about themselves. The good news is that we do not always need to go on the ice to learn with Jesus, just walk with Him every day.


Pastor Cliff
