
Jesus Knocks on the Door

Dear Friends,

This week, I was feeling a bit stiff and achy, as the odd joint is beginning to creak, so I decided to go for a swim to help loosen off. The pool was fairly busy, due to half of it was taken up, almost turning what was meant to be a relaxing activity into a contact sport. The great thing about swimming is that it doesn’t take as long as the gym, and the health benefits are just as beneficial if not better. If you go often enough, we might bump into each other. It’s amazing who you meet at the YMCA!


Some people are fairly quiet in the changing room, whilst others are very chatty. I guess we all have our moments. As I was almost dressed, a gentleman returned to his locker which happened to be next to mine. And as soon as he spoke, I could detect his English accent. He had a keen interest in the history of castles and was enthusiastic about his train rides from England to Scotland and the castles you can see as you speed past. As I was about to leave, someone else heard us and engaged us in our shared interest in soccer. So, there we were, all three of us with accents, united by the ‘beautiful game’. Whether it’s soccer or something else like music, or the weather, there will always be something to provide a common denominator to bring people together.


Whether we go to the pool, the park, the library or the diner, we discover that human beings are social animals who mostly crave interaction. Each month when the Second Saturday gang gather at Rosie’s Diner for breakfast, there are always the familiar faces who also make it their regular gathering place.


This is one of the many things I love about our congregation at UPC Flanders! There are many opportunities to encourage our sense of belonging, from the welcome at the door and in the pew, to the coffee hour after the service.


Remember, even if you are not able to come in person, we can always come to see you. Please call me to advise on the best time, or I may just turn up at your door to make sure you are okay.


Jesus was always knocking on someone’s door; seeking them out, whether they were in hiding or not. He was never comfortable with leaving people out in the cold. He still gathers us in today!


Pastor Cliff
