
Dear Friends,

Imagination is a wonderful gift. This week, the Scholastic Book Fair has come again to our children’s school, and it is thrilling to be part of nurturing their excitement for reading and the world of wonder that awaits us in the written word.

As we read about Jesus’ journey to the cross and into Jerusalem, I wonder how you imagine the scene. Jesus’ disciples have borrowed a young beast of burden, a donkey which has never been ridden. His followers lined the streets and joined the procession. Expectant crowds of locals and visiting pilgrims have also swelled the throng whilst looking on are judgmental Pharisees.

And as the story unfolds before us, where do you see yourself? Are you watching and wondering what this is all about? Or are you one of Jesus’ disciples walking behind our Savior and Lord? And even then, what are your expectations of Jesus?

His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, riding on a donkey defied the longings of many in Israel. They expected a mighty king, coming on a chariot of fire to liberate them from their evil oppressor but instead, Jesus came in peace.

And yet, in His gentleness, kindness and compassion, Jesus wielded more power than any earthly warlord because His was an ability to be more than a conqueror. Jesus was offering healing for a fractured nation, acceptance and restoration for the outcasts, forgiveness for all and new life for any who would accept and believe.

There are many nations, communities, and individuals today that need to hear Jesus’ message of salvation. Imagine the healing potential of His power to unite and restore. All of this is possible if we can learn to harness the gift of faith and imagination that God has given us and then turn those thoughts and words into actions to win the ultimate struggle of good versus evil.

Pastor Cliff
