
It’s Still Christmas

Merry Christmas Friends,

“Did you have a good Christmas?” I heard someone ask.

But, it is still Christmas all the way up to January 6th which is when we celebrate the visit of the Wise Men at what the church calls Epiphany.

Cast your minds back to the anticipation and preparation for Christmas. The shops start to display their wares, far too early, it seems indecent. And the world of work returns far too early even though the schools remain off until after New Year.

But for the Church, Advent began on the fourth Sunday before Christmas to prepare ourselves spiritually for the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus. And so, with all that preparation and need to celebrate something as momentous as the birth of Jesus, it is a mistake to think that it’s over just 24 hours after Jesus’ birth. The season of Christmas deserves full celebration. So, keep saying “Merry Christmas” until January 6th when you might wish to say, “Happy Epiphany”.

To help us not to cut the celebration short, it might help to remember that faith is a journey that never ends. Even when our earthly life is over, we will continue with God in eternity.

Speaking of another journey, our family enjoyed a visit to the Polar Express Experience in Whippany. This was such a wonderful celebration with a train ride, songs from the movie and even a cup of hot chocolate with a shortbread cookie. Every staff member from the conductor to the waiting staff remained in character throughout and each passenger on the train learned that it does not matter where the train is going, the important thing is to get on board. We were all given a bell from Santa’s sleigh. For all who truly believe, the bell will always ring. And the message we took away was, that the spirit of Christmas is about believing.

Merry Christmas everyone.

Pastor Cliff
