
Make God Smile

“Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship when you do it for the glory of God.”

Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life

Dear Friends,

Coming across these words immediately reminded me of Chariots of Fire, the movie about Eric Liddell, Scottish athlete, and missionary. Eric was questioning whether his running career was pulling him away from his studies and preparation for the mission field and thereby detracting from his service and worship of God. However, his father, himself a missionary to China, reassured and encouraged Eric that whatever he did, if done to the best of his ability would bring glory to God.


“Eric, you can praise the Lord by peeling a spud, if you peel it to perfection. Don’t compromise, compromise is the language of the devil. Run in God’s name and let the world stand back in wonder.”


And so, Eric Liddell went on to run for Scotland and Great Britain and win gold in the Paris Olympics of 1924, all for the glory of God.


Warren goes on to note that we are made in the image of God. We give God pleasure when we worship Him, but also when we find pleasure in the things we do and when we use our gifts.[1]


In Chariots of Fire, Eric Liddell said these famous words,

“I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast, and when I run, I feel God’s pleasure.” Liddell would go to say, “To give up running would be to hold Him in contempt.” There are no unspiritual abilities, just misused ones. Start using yours for God’s pleasure.”[2]


Whatever your gift might be, it can be expressed as worship of God when done to the best of your ability. For we are made in the image of God to bring glory to God and to make God smile.


From needle work to soccer, art to gardening, running races to running your home. All our gifts when used well will bring pleasure to God our Father.


Pastor Cliff


[1] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (p75).

[2] Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (p75).
